Smooth skin due to Doux Gommage Express by Dior. D.I.Y. body scrub

Delicate face scrub Doux Gommage Express by Dior, also known as Instant Gentle Exfoliant, is recommended for all skin types care. The producer placed the cosmetic in a 75-mililitre tube. Due to this product, our face skin will be precisely cleansed, skin pores become unclogged and complexion will turn into being much smoother. What is more, face gains even skin tone, all discolourations become highlighted and fine lines simply disappear. What is more, if Instant Gentle Exfoliant by Dior applied regularly, face is expected to be baby-soft to the touch, blood circulation to be boosted and cell renewal processes will expedite significantly. When it comes to application, Instant Gentle Exfoliant by Dior has to be used twice or three times per week. Obviously, while putting on the product, we have to be careful enough not to distribute it on eye skin area. When we finish exfoliating face with the cosmetic, it should be rinsed off with warm water. Once gain, thanks to silica particles and Pure Lily extract, our face skin will be smoothed, purified and regenerated.

Now, a little bit of practice. Do you know, how to exfoliate your body skin the right way? Each cosmetic of exfoliating properties has to be applied on clean and damp skin. Begin the beautifying treatment from lower parts of the body and gradually head upwards. The cosmetic has to be massaged into dermis using round movements, pressing the hands to skin delicately. When the treatment is over, the product has to be rinsed thoroughly to make all the exfoliating particles unable to disturb further care. Basically, it is advisable to perform skin exfoliation beatifying process before the following treatments: hair removal, a self-tanning cream application, pedicure or application of a face mask or other similar products. In general, we can distinguish three main types of body and face scrubs: cream, salt and sugar.

The most popular is coffee scrub. Why this product in particular is so beloved? Simply because this kid of scrub can be prepared at home. Mix grinded coffee with oiling substance like, for example, olive oil. It is also a good idea to add your favourite fragrance such as an aromatic oil. This kind of home-made cosmetic has plenty of beneficial properties. Despite these basic ones like exfoliation, purification and smoothing, the coffee scrub contracts skin, warms up body and boosts blood circulation considerably. Is it really that good? Find for yourself!

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